I have a problem with groin stretches. I am not an athelete, but am a meditator. I used to be able to sit in half-lotus position with no discomfort. After a year of sickness when I did not sit this way, I found my groin muscles were very tight, and any attempt to come even close to my former position caused a lot of pain.

I have been attempting to slowly stretch them out again, but after two weeks, I see little sign of improvement. I cannot even sit cross-legged. I attempt to avoid pain in my stretches, but cannot always seem to avoid it. I do not have any injury that I know of, unless I have overstrained the adductor muscles without knowing it.

How should I approach this to get back to my former flexibility? I've been told not to stretch to the point of pain, but I perceive no improvement doing what I am currently doing. I am surprised the progress is so slow. Any help would be appreciated.

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