I'm researching the effects of glucosamine on OA. If anyone has any references or info I'd be grateful. Thanks
I'm researching the effects of glucosamine on OA. If anyone has any references or info I'd be grateful. Thanks
if you look for previous articles in the newsletter Peak Performance, they did some early research about 6 years ago. I have recommended it in OA clinically with some success. It has been clinically successful with my clients in assisting late recovery in Achilles issues and Meniscal irritation/patella tendinitis
good luck and we would love to present you literature review on the site once finished. regards richard
hi Katharine,
you may find some information about glucosamine from the journal, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation- Clinics of North America, August 1999, The topic is complementary therapies in physical medicneand rehabilitation.
there are charts for placebo controlled clinical trials for glucosamine and condroidin and 2 pages of brief info
i hope it works or can be a start for some more things which u can find from the refrences...
good luck