Hi all,
I have a Patient: She is 17, is playing 15hrs of tennis a week,
off-courttraining in addition makes around 25 hrs all in all.
Since winter she's having problems with her wrist ulnar side no pain radio-ulnar, or radio-carpal unly ulnar-carpal. With intense pain on the proc. styloideus ulnae.
Was wondering if You could help me find further way of treatment or hints
to curing her.
We started treating her with global traction, Phonophoresis and ulnocarpal mobilisation - helped for a while, then it got worse.
I send her toMRI, Diagn.:Watercyste in wrist.
Her Doc said it to be no problem and kept her on the 15 hrs tennis- I got her a wristbrace for at least, showed her how to tape it.
By now when I'm treating her I can only take tension out of her forearm muscles, some mobilisation and traction.
It is persisting, and she is developing a "Golf-elbow".
Any Ideas?
Thank You
And sunny greetes from Germany
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