I have a patient who has had a tingling feeling on his medial L heel on his calcaneous. He had pain on gastroc stretch more than soleus. morning stiffness. TOP. no loss of ROM, MMT 4/5 L eversion, all others 5/5.
On palpation the area feels "creaky" as you roll over it.
I have been treating this as retrocalcaneal bursitis using Deep transverse friction, calf stretches, eversion strengthening and US + IF.
The pain has decreased but patient phoned today to book a further appt as he still has TOP but no feeling of the problem normally. And he is worried about returnign to sport as he cycles 2-3 times a week and runs 2-3 times per week.
I am querying if this is actually bursitis as it is around 2-3 cm away from his TA insertion. Are there any other local structures in this area? ? there seems to be no neuro involvement, Lsp Hip and Knee cleared.
Any suggestions?
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