Hi guys, I am certainly puzzled about my condition (Sinding Larsen Johansson) as this condition normally attacks children. I am 24 years of age and yes the X rays show the small pole on my knee cap that impinges the fat pad.MRI says my tendon fibers are fine. I can't really walk for longer than 15 minutes and I say no to stairs.
My question is:
1. When knees are overused, my whole knee inflames including the ligaments connecting the quad and calves. I expected the fat pad area to be in pain but others are painful too. I don't understand why the other ligaments are inflammed. Also, how does exercise help this condition if my patellar tendon is fine.
2. I'm eager to get back to sports. Physio says I can do it in 3-4 months with exercise. I'm not so sure about this because i know my recovery rate is slow and any over usage of knees will prolong recovery. Can I recover to a state where I can say good bye to this condition?
Any advice is really appreciated, I'm really frustrated especially when I know at my age, I am meant to go out there and make my life. Thank you.
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