I am a high school cross country runner, and coming to the climax of the season, I have been training harder than usual. At my latest meet I began experiencing pain on the lateral side of my foot approximately 45 minutes before my race, however the pain disappeared when the gun went off, I presume due to adrenaline. After finishing, I found that walking became increasingly difficult the more I stayed on my feet. When I got home I found significant visible inflammation and some bruising. Based off of online research I have concluded that my symptoms most closely match Wikipedia reference-linkCuboid Syndrome. These symptoms include a pain on the lateral side of my foot, in front of the heel, but behind the fifth metatarsal, occurring during the push off stage of my stride. I can eliminate almost all the pain by walking on my toes. After resting (sitting or lying down) for a while, I am able to walk pain free for an amount of time (the longer the rest, the longer this lasts), however the pain slowly comes back until it reduces me to a limp. I do remember remarking, when I first felt the pain, that it sort of felt like something was shifted out of place in my foot, and that if I stomped down really hard on a curb it would feel better (speculation only, for I did not try it). I also feel a faint, high frequency vibration, right where I suspect the tendon goes around the Cuboid, when I stretch my foot in the direction which makes it parallel to my tibia. I have eliminated the inflammation through icing and rest. I am currently low dye taping my foot, however if I remove the tape and begin walking, the pain returns within minutes (I also experience pain with the tape, although less of it). Three full days have passed and I see no noticeable improvement other than the lack of visible inflammation (although that was practically eliminated within 24 hours of the injury). After that long winded explanation, I have two questions. Is there a likely competing diagnosis for the listed symptoms? If it is Cuboid Syndrome, will the bone right itself over time, or is a doctor needed? I have a very important (regionals) meet in 10 days, so the second question comes with an asterisk in the sense that I cannot wait very long. Besides, I am antsy to resume training.

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