I've just seen a 21yr old female dance student (of Caribbean origin) who complains of slight ache around her right hip/hip flexors and a feeling that right hip often wants to 'bend inwards' (flex) when dancing.

  • ROM - all full, slight ache in right hip flexors at eor hip flexion
  • Strength - all fine except hip ext rotation, in prone, which is markedly reduced compared to all others, still very functional but a potential problem as a dancer.
  • Hip flexors clearly very dominant on active hip extension and external rotation in prone, R & L.
  • Well developed quads and glutes (?genetic due to origin) - played competitive football age 8-16 and danced for 10 yrs.
  • History of knee pain due to patella sitting high due to tight quads - resolved by stretching quads (1 yr ago)
  • Posture - Very slight pelvic rotation to right, all else normal.

I'm reasoning that she has overactive hip flexors but am not sure where to go with this - any suggestions? I've so far gone with relaxing hip flexors using a nobber and self-massage and ext hip rotator strengthening in prone with theraband. Does that sound OK? Any other suggestions? I don't have loads of experience and haven't seen this before. Thanks everyone

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