Hi Everyone
I hope someone can help please.
I had a stiff left shoulder when I lifted it upwards and backwards and got tired quik. After 2 bad falls playing cricket I had plenty o spasms in the scapula area and pain down the arm and bicep. Had a clicking sound aswell. After 8 Physio sessions etc there was no improvement. Went to specialist and underwent a labral repair together with removing lose cardlidge.
After 3 months I still have the stifness of the shoulder and the strange pain down the biceps/upper arm. According to the pro's all the pain is reffered from the scapula, since the muscles went into spasms during the injury and therefore the scapula needs to go back into the correct position with exercises. I do have dull pain in the shoulder/scapula area, which reliefs in seconds if I press on the spasm area myself.
If i stand/sit upstraight and push my shoulder backward I get a similar pul of muscle in die bicep/upper arm area. I had 4 sessions of physio after the operation, but that was to loosen the scapula as the arm could not rotate through 45 degrees.
The type of pain I had before the operation is defenitely gone, and I can do exercises which I could not do before, so I believe the main probem is fixed...but I believe there are still musle problems? The feeling in the bicep is what irretates me..feels like something is pulling or a nerve like feeling...When I stretch my neck to the right and stretch my left arm downwards to get a good stretch, the stretch goes goes bit down the upper arm wi th a bit of a dull feeling down the arm..it reliefs some pain for a while.
If anyone can help me please. I went to a top spesialist in South Africa. Please ask if you need more info. Thank you.
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