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  1. #1
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    Pro Wrestler - Shoulder Injury ! Help

    Hi, i'm new to this forum because i was wondering about this shoulder injury i have had for the last 6 months.

    I'm a professional wrestler on the independents and had a match last July, i took a move called a double underhook DDT where your opponent hooks your arms, picks you up where your legs are around them and then drives you into the mat. My shoulder actually drove into the ring.

    I went to the doctor, they did X-Rays and said it was just a contusion and should get better in a week or two they have the meds also for pain, the doctor said if it didn't get better to come back and see him and that it could be a bone problem.

    I wore a sling for about a week, had to take it off because i couldn't stand it. The injury healed about 2 months later and i had another match in September where i took a move called a german suplex. Immediately after that match it began to hurt again..and it was bad.

    Now, it hurts but not as bad as it does after i've wrestled. And i haven't wrestled since that match in September.

    The pain feels as if its in my bicep part of my arm, it's really hard to describe where the pain is. Also hurts at the top of my shoulder on my arm. Any idea why it still hurts if it was supposedly just a contusion?

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    Re: Pro Wrestler - Shoulder Injury ! Help

    I am not sure exactly what the problem is, but it sounds very similar to an issue that I have had for about the last 20 years. It started while I was lifting, and I felt something pop in my shoulder. Eventually, it seemed to heal, but to this day, I cannot lift to much weight over my head without causing a considerable amount of pain. I never did go get it checked out, I have simply learned to live with it. I am however curious as to what is really going on. I am doubtful that anything can actually be done about it, short of surgery, considering it has been so long that I have been living with it. If I were you, I would consider seeing a specialist, and hopefully you can resolve your issue, and not have to live with it like I do.

    shower chair


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