
New member to the forum, due to getting a bit concerned over a leg injury I have.

I was playing football (soccer) 3 weeks ago and I received a kick to the inside of my lower leg just above the ankle, whilst my leg was elevated. It hurt initially but I was able to carry on. When I got home I was hobbling slightly and the area was bruised and slightly swollen. However, it only really hurt to the touch.

The bruising went away after about a week, however 3 weeks on and the area is still painful to pressure and is still slightly swollen. If I run my hand down my leg then it feels as if there is a dip in my leg where the impact was. It is also slightly warm to the touch. However, It does not hurt to walk on it, nor does it hurt during light exercise (cycling, jogging).

Any suggestions as to what this might be and what I can do to recover?

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