I am a cyclist and am suffering with a inflammed gluteus minimus. It dosen't seem to be getting any better, if anything it has gotten worse since I was forced to stop cycling two weeks ago. I took diclofenac and iced my gluteus for two days but it seems to be getting worse now.
My symptoms are as follows:
1. Pain when cycling
2. Pain radiates down my leg
3. Pain doing one leg squats
4. Pain when I sit and collapse/slump my lower back
5. Pain is very bad in the morning but improves alot through out the day to the point that I can do one legged squats with out any pain.
My physio reckons it is an inflammed gluteus minimus/ pseudosciatica. He is on holidays now so can't see him for over a week so just wanted to see what people on here think. How long does it generally take for the inflammation to go away? I have had it for a while so is there any point continuing with the anti inflamatories and ice?
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