Hi all,
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I am a CFS/M.E patient currently undergoing Perrin Technique which i have started to respond to positively (still painful!). I am looking to purchase a rebounder around the £200 pound mark and i need recommendations from professionals that use them. As well as myself their will be my Mother who has various conditions, arthritis, possible fibromyalgia and CFS, and she recently twisted her knee, no broken bones but we are waiting on an MRI scan to see if anything other then bones are damaged. Anyway i digress as i will make sure she uses the rebounder very very gently. Of more importance is something to keep my lymphatic system moving and to lose my sister some weight.

I have looked at in my price range:
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urban rebounder or its business version the pro gym rebounder.
I have discounted the Reboundair despite its lifetime guarantee because of price and complaints about high foot pronation because of the soft bounce.

Please help their is little to no concrete information on this for UK rebounders and its a lot of money.

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