Hi, I am a 22 year old second year student of Sports Therapy BSc at gloucestershire university

I am currently seeking unpaid work experience with an amateur/semi pro/professional club in any sport in the east midlands/west midlands area (at a push) or within the gloucestershire area.

I am qualified and insured to do pitchside first aid and sports massage without supervision.
by the end of this year i will be allowed to carry out examination and assessment (including diagnosing with the use of mucsle and special tests), peripherial joint mobilisation, electrotherapy, taping and strapping, early-late stage rehabilitation of all peripheral joints. (whilst shadowing a qualified ST/Physio)

I have my own transport and are flexible with dates/times etc.
I am broadly free from end of may to the beginning of september

I am currently the ST for Uni of Gloucestershire womens rugby union 1XV and mens rugby union 3XV
In the past i have worked with the physios at gloucester rugby providing pre and post training massage to the first team and academy.

I would love the chance to develop my knowledge and gain further valuable experience at the same time.

Please feel free to reply to barlow_44@hotmail.co.uk or via reutrn message on the forum.

Many thanks, Simon

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