I'm an athlete (47YO) not a medical professional so I'm urging caution in giving me too much credit on my diagnosis. However, I think I have a strain (if it's possible to have a strain and not a tear) in my Lateral Meniscus. I run distances on dirt trails and recently have been experiencing pain after about 3 or 4 miles of running.

The pain is on the outside of my right knee and is very localized. It is on the part of the outer knee that naturally bulges a little and seems to be right in the little gap between the upper and lower parts of the bulge.
I'm not experiencing any swelling.
If I stop and walk for a bit the pain subsides and I can run a bit before it starts to hurt again.
I don't have any clicking or grinding that I can feel or cause if I manipulate the knee.

From this information and poking around on the internet I'm calling it Lateral Meniscus. I can't find anywhere that talks about a strain instead of a tear (I realize that strains are just very minor tears) but all of the symptom charts mention swelling in association with a tear.

So right now I'm alternating cold and heat, about 20 minutes each, trying to keep it elevated, and I plan to take a week or two off from running.

I'm training for Tough Mudder in October so I really want to get this back on track and any advice from experts that lurk here is very welcome.



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