Hi all,
I've a patient that has a one week history of 3/10 pain following exercise (45 min run) on the inferior aspect of his cuboid. Nil pain on resisted eversion.
Patient is a triathlete. No recent large changes in training.
Biomechanically, he has pronounced femoral retroversion, slight genu valgum and forefoot varus.
Was prescribed full foot orthotics by podiatrist 1 month ago to control excessive pronation. Hi running gait changed noticably from outtoeing to running with his feet parallel to direction of travel (through internal rotation of the hip I believe).
He developed piriformis syndrome 2 weeks after beginning to use orthotics for all training. I've managed to control this with release of piriformis and glut med, strengthening of glut med and max and emphasis of stretching program.
I have previously treated him for patellofemoral disorder.
My provisional diagnosis is peroneus brevis/longus tendiopathy.
Keen to hear your thoughts.
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