Hi there,
does anyone know of any sports taping and sports injury courses that are taking place in the south of england in the next couple of months?
would greatly appreciate any information.
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Hi there,
does anyone know of any sports taping and sports injury courses that are taking place in the south of england in the next couple of months?
would greatly appreciate any information.
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Have you heard of a company called Clinic in Motion? They sell Cd roms re physiotherapy and have just brought out a new Cd rom course re taping. There Cd roms are excellent and the bonus is that you can go over and over the course once you have it on cd!
I think the web is something like www.clinicsinmotion.com - they are based in Ireland anyway.
Hope this helps a little.
Thanks netty for your advice, the CD rom looks great.
I appreciate your help.
try if these videos may help you.
Have a look on the courses list on physiobob's jobs. You can find a complete current list here: http://www.physiobob.com/Default.aspx?iJobType=2
Aussie trained Physiotherapist living and working in London, UK.
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