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    Major problem / Symptomatic Areas

    Knee - Posterior - Left

    Knee - Posterior - Right

    Muscle pain behind Knees day after cycling


    i am an avid cyclist and generally complete about 6000 miles per year. my winter training was going well and about 6 weeks ago i went for a longer,harder ride than i had been doing and pushed a little hard. as a reuslt i aggrevated my right hamstring and had 2 weeks of physio. this has now cleared up but in its place i have started to ge t pain in the muscles at the back of my leg behind the knee.

    when i am cycling i dont feel any real pain just a few tringes as the muscles are warming up. once im cycling things ffel ok. once i stop i do my foam rolling and more stretches than i was again all feels fine. Then,the next day i will have a stabbing like pain in the back of my knees (as per diagram) and it hangs around for about 2 days.

    I am having regular physio and they are telling me it is just tight muscle but i am now sttetching more than i ever have, i have started going to Bikram Yoga twice a week just to get stuff loose and no matter what i do it isnt getting any better. i have also been using magnesium oil to get rid of Potentila acid.

    does anyone have any advice for other things i could be doing or a suggestion as to anything else it could be?


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    Re: Muscle pain behind Knees day after cycling

    Sounds like insertional tendinitis more than a muscle pain.

    Note: The hamstring is attached onto the pelvis and poor movement of pelvic joints will inhibit nutation (nodding) of sacrum. Getting this joint moving well can help a great deal.
    While I can't be specific this Chiropractic approach of pelvic manipulation helped Bradly Wiggins and might help your recovery.

    Otherwise, if things have now not changed after 4weeks - I would seek a form of tendon stimulation and eccentric loading of hamstring muscle.

    Tendon stimulation can be ultrasound therapy or shockwave therapy.

    It may also be beneficial to look at your saddle height a raise of less than a inch could open the hamstring up enough through repetition.

    Lastly compressive support can be very benifitial to hamstring recovery and reduce some pressure to the tendon insertion.

    Hope that helps,

    Written on cracked iphone, please excuse any spelling errors!!😉

    Niall Marshall-Manifold D.C.
    Wimbledon Chiropractic & Sports Injury Clinic

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    Re: Muscle pain behind Knees day after cycling

    Quote Originally Posted by carl_belshaw1986 View Post

    i am an avid cyclist and generally complete about 6000 miles per year. my winter training was going well and about 6 weeks ago i went for a longer,harder ride than i had been doing and pushed a little hard. as a reuslt i aggrevated my right hamstring and had 2 weeks of physio. this has now cleared up but in its place i have started to ge t pain in the muscles at the back of my leg behind the knee.

    when i am cycling i dont feel any real pain just a few tringes as the muscles are warming up. once im cycling things ffel ok. once i stop i do my foam rolling and more stretches than i was again all feels fine. Then,the next day i will have a stabbing like pain in the back of my knees (as per diagram) and it hangs around for about 2 days.

    I am having regular physio and they are telling me it is just tight muscle but i am now sttetching more than i ever have, i have started going to Bikram Yoga twice a week just to get stuff loose and no matter what i do it isnt getting any better. i have also been using magnesium oil to get rid of Potentila acid.

    does anyone have any advice for other things i could be doing or a suggestion as to anything else it could be?

    hi, Carl
    The location of pain is more at sides or at the middle of back of knee? As the hamstrings insert across the sides of knee joint, not centre. There is another muscle, popliteus at back of knee as well, you might want to check it up if pain is central. how was straight leg raise test when the knee was painful? Does it increase the pain when you move your ankle or neck? Also, meniscus can be another source of pain at back of joint. Do you have any discomfort when you squat deep down? The whole presentation sounds like there is something not right when you load your right knee. And then irritate sth to cause inflammatory response when you load enough. It could be muscles, joints, meniscus... I would look at your bike biomechanics and your body control during cycling to find the cause rather than chase of sources though. Pelvis and hip control is a good start, but don't forget your thoracic area, if your middle back shift to left, it does change the whole lower limb control during your ride. Do you feel your back straight when you sitting in front of desk?
    If you want, you can contact me on [email protected] to discuss above questions. some photos with side view, back and front view would be great.

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    Re: Muscle pain behind Knees day after cycling

    I would suggest you to try PRICE, which stands for Protect Rest Ice Compression Elevation. And it would take around 6-12 weeks to fully recover, so, be a little patient.

    Texan Urgent Care

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