Last summer I developed some lower back pain, which limited activities in preperation for an upcoming football season. When the pain became prevelant there was no event directly corelated with it, I simply awoke to a extermy tight sore back. This lower back pain improved a little over time but a portion of it remains isolated to the lower right portion of my back. Last summer at the onset of pain I saw a chiropractor for about a month for the injury he accredited to a facet problem. This injury mostly limits me from certain lifts which are essential to training, mostly in the form of squats and olympic style lifts. While I can still do the lifts, I can't squat with out a sharp pain while taking the bar off of the rack, and a pain while moving to the movments bottom postition. This pain is more directly prevalent when i move my back from an arched position to a more straight, hunched postision or vis virsa while it carrys some wieght load. For example when lying flat on my back I can preform a leg raise, at the point about mid way up the movment were my back moves from an arch toward the floor I experience a breif yet sharp pain. As another example I experience a pain while yawning and streching in a chair, doing this with arms over head, I then sit straight up off the back of the chair, thus moving my back from an arch to a more hunched position. I've tried taking time off from sport without avail. The most sucsess I've had correcting this injury came through a high rep squat program, but the pain has never fully left and comes back pretty strong at times. After talking to a school trainer the injury has been accredited to an underlying muscle, one I can't define or stretch. By writing this post I am hoping someone could offer some advice to mabe stretch or strengthen the muscle area which conventional stretch and lift fail to target. Also I was wonder who I should see about correcting this since it's been nagging me for over a year now: should I see a Sports medicine specialist, a chiropractor, or a familey doctor. This injury has become a perstent annoyance that is limiting me from perticipating in sport at a level I have become accustemed, and I hope to correct it before next football season. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Best Regards
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