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Thread: Lower Back Pain

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    Lower Back Pain


    Last summer I developed some lower back pain, which limited activities in preperation for an upcoming football season. When the pain became prevelant there was no event directly corelated with it, I simply awoke to a extermy tight sore back. This lower back pain improved a little over time but a portion of it remains isolated to the lower right portion of my back. Last summer at the onset of pain I saw a chiropractor for about a month for the injury he accredited to a facet problem. This injury mostly limits me from certain lifts which are essential to training, mostly in the form of squats and olympic style lifts. While I can still do the lifts, I can't squat with out a sharp pain while taking the bar off of the rack, and a pain while moving to the movments bottom postition. This pain is more directly prevalent when i move my back from an arched position to a more straight, hunched postision or vis virsa while it carrys some wieght load. For example when lying flat on my back I can preform a leg raise, at the point about mid way up the movment were my back moves from an arch toward the floor I experience a breif yet sharp pain. As another example I experience a pain while yawning and streching in a chair, doing this with arms over head, I then sit straight up off the back of the chair, thus moving my back from an arch to a more hunched position. I've tried taking time off from sport without avail. The most sucsess I've had correcting this injury came through a high rep squat program, but the pain has never fully left and comes back pretty strong at times. After talking to a school trainer the injury has been accredited to an underlying muscle, one I can't define or stretch. By writing this post I am hoping someone could offer some advice to mabe stretch or strengthen the muscle area which conventional stretch and lift fail to target. Also I was wonder who I should see about correcting this since it's been nagging me for over a year now: should I see a Sports medicine specialist, a chiropractor, or a familey doctor. This injury has become a perstent annoyance that is limiting me from perticipating in sport at a level I have become accustemed, and I hope to correct it before next football season. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

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    Re: Lower Back Pain


    Thanks for your reply. I would suggest that you see a sports specialist - be it a doctor or physiotherapist. Being a physiotherapist, i would of course recommend the physio !!

    You problem is not uncommon. However, without seeing you in person, it makes it difficult to help...

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    Re: Lower Back Pain

    I would like to recommend that random1982 be kicked off for spruiking...

    Everyone, i believe it is full of crap - don't bother !!
    Additional Comment I forgot:
    I would like everyone to try this...click on Random1982's name and see what all his posts are about...

    ...notice how he refers to his website on protocols...

    ...notice how he doesn't really help or answer specific questions properly...

    I suspect he is in it to promote his own website...

    I will post this on all of his replies.

    If you are going to spruik your website, at least have the decency to contribute to the discussion properly!

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    Re: Lower Back Pain

    JJBao7, alophysio's comments are spot on, you have numerous options, medical advice is fine to eliminate the possibility of serious injury, but entering the medical merry go round may see you encounter a lot of very qualified people, who will have very little to offer .
    I recommend seeing a physiotherapist.
    There is nothing particularly difficult , in my opinion, about the presentation you have described. Get started and I hope you find someone you can trust.
    best of luck

    Eill Du et mondei

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