Thank you Karen and Yarok for your help and great advice!! Its very much appreciated!!
I know I tore the left glute bc I had anMRI, but that one is now fine and am feeling the right side.
Posture - I am 1m83 (6ft) 59 kg. I have VERY high arches in my feet, I have been told by my chiro that one of my hips is slightly rotating forward. back posture is sort of normal, I have a bit of an arched back, but nothing shocking - never had any back problem! Oh I wear orthototics/insoles when I run. I have been video taped running in a lab and they told me that when my foot touches the ground I land on the outside and then roll to the inside which is why I had achilles problems (but I'm not sure if I agree with that theory).
My hips are kind of flexible, apart from the fact that they are slightly rotated, I don't know what else to say about it...
Since feeling the pain on thursday I did nothing till yesterday (so 3 days) and did a easy 30 min run and today I am feeling pain on the bone again!!!
I hope all this info helps, and thank you so much for taking the time to help!