I think I may have run out of luck in the States so I thought going global might help.
History and Info.
Male 42 Years, High level athlete competing in marathons, Triathlons, and recently long distance trail running and Backpacking. Work day is unfortunately at a desk.
2 Years back started to have issues with my Right Ankle mostly due to lack of power during running. Continued to compete and 1 year ago started training heavier with weights for 40-50 mile adveture type races.
The symptoms starting from the bottom:
Bilateral Hammer toes
Left Toe crossover problem..just crowding the big toe now.
Right ankle loss of power at toe off and unstable.
Right ankle splayed out
Right Gast/Sole complex atrophy
Left peroneal tendon type nerve pain when cross friction self massage of lower lateral ankle region. Same type of pain and sensations at the fibula head.
Left TFL/VL very tight and muscle mass much greater than right side.
Last Ortho doc measured right leg shorter than left by 1/4 inch but not sure if she knew what she was doing as she did not indicate if functional or antomical.
When running the left leg does not extend out as much as right
Left Rect Fem also has greater mass than right
Right hip restricted internal rotation.
Bilateral hip flexor tightness
Right QL seems to be weak and stretched
Left QL seems to be overactive and tight.
Standing it appears hips and lumbar are rotated to the left. Right hip anterior to left when looking down.
The real pain is in the upper body:
Bilateral Nerve related pain in forearms and hands. Not much weakness in Grip strength. Pain is tolerable upon waking but gets worse as day proceeds at work.
Bad pain in leftrotator cuff area very bad as day proceeds.
Left pectoral are larger than right and are overactive
Left arm is more rotated in than the right. Tight right under clavical on left.
Very bad pain in Left Traps and Romboid
Restricted rotation on head to left and some scalene trigger poi
Scans done to date:
CervicalMRI - Normal degen for 40 Year old...but forward head posture and some loss of curve.
MRI- Lumbar - Normal Degen
Right ankle MRI - thickening of the both peroneals
Old procedures done:
ACL reconstruction on Right knee 10 Years ago using patella tendon.
I have been to at least 5 different doctors with no diagnosis, rest has not helped, pain meds don't work.
I have done some research on what is called the common compensitory pattern but it gives very little information on the initial cause, or where to start to get me fixed. This is the only thing that came close to all my symptoms except for TOS, but the lower limb problems.
My theory is that if you have even a small kenetic chain imbalance and then subject the body to hundreds of miles of training, with weighted pack in some cases, that the whole firing pattern of many muscles will be impacted.
Any help would be really appreciated.
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