Someone please help !!
I've a patient, male competitive cyclist, presented 12 months ago with classic ITBFS symptoms, (R knee) treated succesfully with SSTM, assisted stretching to ITB/TFL and Glutes, u/s and laser, regular strectching protocol advised ... end of problem.
BUT Jan this year, pt went skiing, day after return went for a 100+ mile bike ride (pushing it !), came to me day later c/o similar symptoms to initial ITB problem.
full assessment revealed tight ++ (R) TFL/Gluts/ITB, Hams and Quads.
no ligament/meniscus damage, no instability,locking, etc.
this time however, his right plantar arch has dropped with medial tibial rotn resulting.
treatment so far has been RICE, and a combination of SSTM, stretching, u/s, laser and recommendation to use orthotics to correct the biomechanical insufficiency.
But it's not respondingand I'm running out of ideas, beginning to wonder about my effectiveness and getting very frustrated (as is my pt)
please can anyone offer any advice, am I overlooking something here ?
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