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  1. #1

    PCL vs ACL exercises?

    hi guys and gals out there

    I am treating a patient who sustained a PCL rupture. (pre-op)

    What exercises would u advise which may be different if an ACL was injured? (I believe quads must be emphasized since pcl acts as a restraint of posterior movt of tibia on femur, against function as hamstring)

    Thanks for your remarks, help.

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  2. #2

    PCL vs ACL Exercises

    Closed kinetic chain for hamstrings, gastrocnemius.
    Increased tension on ITB will tend to posteriorly displace and laterally rotate the tibia of a flexed knee in open chain. Therefore, caution with activities that activate TFL and glute. max., and the way you stretch ITB. Watch for tighness of adductors, partic. gracilis, and also satorius. Remember, popliteus is the PCL's buddy and is likely damaged when PCL is. If popliteus is not appropriately rehabilitated, full squat will become a problem because popliteus will not be there to help the reparied PCL resist anterior dislocaton of the femur. Also the lateral Wikipedia reference-linkmeniscus will be at risk in activities that involve lateral rotation of the femur because popliteus will not be getting the lateral meniscus back and out of the way of the crushing lateral condyle. Highly likely that various popliteal /posterior knee structures were damaged in the initial injury, these might include the meniscofemoral and arcuate popliteal ligaments. Such damage, or ineffective repair, can be a barrier to recovery; your ultrasound and deep massage techniques may prove very valuable in this case. Hope this helps out.

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