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  1. #1

    immediate physiological effects of pre event sports massage

    hello friends
    has anybody tried to find out the immediate effect of pre event sports massage on physiological variables like BP and HR. if this reduces the somatic anxiety, it is worth applying before sports that require mind and body coordination!



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  2. #2

    immediate physiological effect of pre event sports message

    the effect of massage is variable in accordance with the method adopted..
    the idea should be that the massage given before the event should not lead to relaxation of the muscles to such the extent the it leads to copletete relaxation as most of the sprots needs active state of muscles before going for event..however there are few sports where this relaxation can be proved out to be benificial..thus my conclusion is that massage should be in accordance to activity and demand involved in particular sport,,,thanks ...........parvez shaikh ,surat

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