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  1. #1

    torn cruciate ligament

    my boyfriend injured his left knee about 8 months ago. He was told he had a completely disrupted Wikipedia reference-linkcruciate ligament and would require surgery. I was just wondering if anyone knows of any alternative therapies to help him recover as the waiting list for his operation is quite long. Also, is it common for the other knee to become sore after a period of time? He is experiencing clicking noises when the right knee is extended and a grinding when he bends up and down. If anyone could help Id be really grateful. Thanks!

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  2. #2

    Re:torn cruciate ligaments

    Timing of Wikipedia reference-linkcruciate ligaments reconstruction is controversial, traditionally, surgery performed as soon after the injury; however, there is some evidence that delaying of surgery may decrease postoperative risk of arthrofibrosis. But most important is condition of the knee at the time of surgery. The injured knee should have no swelling, have full ROM, and person should have normal gait(the main reason that he's have pain in the other knee probably is poor gait control-he's putting more weight on uninjured knee).Rehabilitation should commence immediately after the injury(the aim of preoperative management is reducing the pain,swelling and inflammation) including interferential stimulation, ultrasound,TENS,strengthening exercises for quadriceps,hamstring,hip extensor, abductor and calf muscles.Pain free ROM exercises should also be performed.
    It's necessary that he's have rehabilitation program after surgery as well.
    Hoped this is helpfully to you
    Regards Nale.

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