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I am facing a very nagging pain in my calf muscle ... This occurs when i try running.
At the start of my workout session, I usually end up limping. Its not painful when i touch my calf muscles and there doesn't seem to be any form of swelling or discoloration either. I have been to doctors and they prescribed vitamin and calcium tablets , none of which has worked. I have not been doing any running activity for the past 3 weeks and this has been very frustrating for me.
How long ago did these symptoms begin? It will be very difficult to determine the source of the problem without some hands on work, can you describe the exact location of the pain, what increases it and what decreases it?
A brief description of my activity ( just in case)
I do walk semi briskly for 3 rounds of the stadium before i start jogging. I jog/run at 13-14 kmph( 8-8.5mhp) for about 30 mins. I then walk for another 3 rounds of the stadium. I have been following this level of activity for the past 5-6 years. Besides few days here and there this is usually a 7 day activity.
Any activity that you do with an injury will just result in the body adapting or compensating for that injury, taking a step back from 7days/week activity may be a good idea before your body begins to learn these incorrect patterns of movement. Physiotherapists often use fascilitation and proprioceptive and balance retraining to fascilitate improved function in the ankle, calves, and knee area. A progressive program that retrains proper patterns of movement is ideal to get you going at full capacity
I am 32 years old, well built and weigh in 88kgs.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.