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Thread: PNF

  1. #1


    Hi everybody,

    can we use PNF ( hold and relax) for patient under 18 years old?

    I look forward to hearing from you

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    Re: PNF

    hi lobna
    what forced you to ask this question

  3. #3

    Re: PNF

    because i have a patient case with decrease ROM and she is under 18 so i am wondering if i can use it for her or not ?

    I need your opinion

  4. #4

    Re: PNF

    hi lobna,

    I was trained in PNF ( post graduate ) in Bad Ragaz Switserland. At the time ( 1980´s) , the only way to learn PNF was in Bad Ragaz and California. We had, as I presume many with me, been trained at college in the techniques as well.
    The postgraduate courses made me realise, I knew very little.
    I have been using "parts of PNF" with children for a long time. Especially the "scapular and pelvis trunk " patterns, in crawling ( strong elefant in the wind maintaining his position ) and rolling ( big sausage rolling away ) positions. They are fun to do, kids like "fighting" with you. You can make them really work out in this manner. Most children treated had very weak trunk muscles and problems with maintaining a good posture.

    BUT.... make sure you are using the correct pattern for that patient and.... What we especially learned was to observe the patients reaction and "find the correct "pattern pathway".
    As regards to your question. ROM problems in a child can have various reasons. I would want to know exactly the WHAT the origin of the problem is first.

    Have fun with your study and work

    For more information about current PNF courses go to IPNFA

    kind regards
    esther de ru

  5. #5

    Re: PNF

    Thank u very much for reply

    she has decrease doriflexion due to immbilisation do u think passive stretch is good idea for the first session ?

  6. #6

    Re: PNF

    dear lobna,

    I´m sorry but I cannot give you a proper reply.
    I can only suggest you research what the main problem is, take into account how old is the child, which joint are you talking about, what happened, all important questions to be answeren before you can decide what treatment to give.
    You cannot expect an answer if you give so little information.
    Most children do not need mobilisation after casts for example.
    If you really want an answer you will have to give us the whole history first and tell us the results of your assessment.

    kind regards,


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