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    Lower Abdominal problems, from weight lifting


    About 6 or 7 weeks ago, I was doing an exercise called a Deadlift, and after the workout, the area highlighted in the photo was sore for the next few days. The last repetition of this was hard and I struggle to 'lockout', but I squeezed my glutes (as you should) and managed it.


    The sort of discomfort I got / have had is soreness to 'push' (not touch), and feels a bit tight. As the feeling went, I exercised the week later, but the feeling came back. I then rested for a week on holiday, but one morning I walked to the shops and got a sharp pain, and I had to stop. It went away within a minute. The following day I caught a nerve in my lower back and had shooting pains down my right buttock.

    When I got back to UK, I went to see my chiropractor. Although he said it seemed it have free'd itself. I have had back problems since about 12 years old (now 17), but over time they have gone due to strengthening, stretching and regular chiropractor. But still have to go back sometime. My right leg is slightly longer than my left, and the space between L1 and L2 (I think) is less.

    The discomfort has been on and off, it only seems to occur after exercises which involve bending at the waist (abdominal work, Deadlifts, Squats). Other work I do (Leg Press, Core work and Upper body) doesnt not aggrevate it. Long periods of sitting (I still study at school) seem to aggrevate things though. More recently, my right lower back has been very mildly achey at times. Sometimes the odd nerve pulse / twitch through my right leg (rare, but has happened). Note - doesnt feel weak or restrictive, and apart from that one time, no sharp pains. Just soreness and tight feeling.

    I went to chiropractor on Thursday, and he believed I have soft tissue damage. And ruled out sciatic nerve, although I have been experiencing throbbing through my right buttock and the area shown (still some what skeptical). He also checked to see if I had any signs of a hernia, which I dont. And also stretched and pulled around my legs, which didnt cause any discomfort (legs apart, and pushing my knee to chest...).

    This is eased which stretching, and espcially foam roller / tenis ball on my glutes. My right buttock seems to be more painfall with this, and is a bit tighter. When I have had the discomfort in the day, and come back home and do this, it dissappears almost straight away.
    Also when generally walking or not sitting too much, I dont feel any problems.

    So I have been avoiding things that aggrevate it, but still doing other exercising. So in place of the extra time and hoping that it helps, I have been doing more stability and core work, along with dynamic stretches and static stretches, which also seem to be helping.

    Im going to stick with this for 2 months. But I want to try and find out what might be the cause of the problem, as I dont want to have time off and things not improve.

    Sorry for the long post, but wanted to give as much info as possible. Any help appreciated!

    King Regards

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    Smile Re: Lower Abdominal problems, from weight lifting

    hi friend
    you mentioned that your right leg is a bit longer than left.are how much difference is there between the lengths of both legs.if its more than 2cm ,then i feel there is a need for corrective shoes
    i wonder whether the cause of your problem is this leg length different and subsequent uneven weight bearing

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    Re: Lower Abdominal problems, from weight lifting


    Thank for replying. My right leg is about 0.5cm longer than my left. Not major, but thought it was worth mentioning as it was one of the issue looked into with my back problems. I also use to wear inner soles when I was younger and was growing more, as there was not much arch in my feet. Still isnt much of an arch, but it seems to run in parts of my family.
    Although Im guessing it could all some how be linked, seeing as the problems are on my right side.

    Also worth noting I sometimes get an ache in the inside of my right knee, usually the ache goes after foam roller work on quads and inside legs, but more recently has been coming back.

    Thanks again

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    Re: Lower Abdominal problems, from weight lifting

    I was having a chat with my mum about the issue. She has had similar with two bones fusing on one side of her lower back, and sometimes finds one of her legs are slightly different length.

    Im looking into going to a different chiropractor, as this problem seems to be something that hasnt been looked into much before.

    Is it possible that a slight more recent change in leg length could be causing the aches and pains in groin / hip / lower back / knee on my right hand side, and have been highlighted more by the fact that two of the main movements I do (Deadlifts and Squats) require powering through the heels of the feet and place more stress on my right side?

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    Smile Re: Lower Abdominal problems, from weight lifting

    hi friend
    .5 cm difference in leg lngth does not be the cause /contributing factor for you current problem
    have you ever been evaluated by a physio for your back problem.i suggest you to go to a physio specialized in musculoskeletal conditions.it will be great if he is familiar with the movement impairment based approach.
    the problem can be due to ant minor alterations occuring while you are doing dead lift ,deep squats etc.

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    Re: Lower Abdominal problems, from weight lifting

    Thank you. Im off to a different chiropractor to get a second opinion in about an hour, and then go from there.

    Havent seen a physio, although depends on how things go with this other chiropractor and whether I get reffered, or find out the problem.

    Will post as I find something out.

    Thanks again

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    Re: Lower Abdominal problems, from weight lifting

    Went to see new chiropractor. He's got more knowledge about the sort of exercises I do. I explained it all to him, and he then checked things out.

    It looks like my leg length difference is about 6mm, which is actual leg difference, as my pelvis is symetrical (im one of the 1 in 100,000+ who has this). This is causing a fair amount more stress on my right hand side (knee, hips, back), and then caused the piriformis to tighten, which is causing tightness and radiating the soreness around other area (like groin), its apparently tight, and is tender. This is catching / putting pressure on the sciatica nerve, which is what caused the pains before, and why I have experienced nerve pulses and contractions down the back of my leg (this is the weirdest feeling ever! Also when he was pinching the sciatica nerve in my back).

    So im booked up again for next Monday, and he said we'll try and get things back to normal before holiday (so I dont have any problems, and can enjoy it). A few more back manipulations (will probably be regular), and look into a specialised insert for my slightly shorter leg. Once initial bit has gone, will get a few sports massages for the areas.
    Although, as mentioned, in some way, its better I picked up on things now (or in more detail), as the problems would have been greater in years to come.

    Ice packs tonight and maybe tomorrow, plus neurofen. Giving any exercise rest for a few days. Also keep up core work, mobility exercises, stretching and foam roller. Feel happier now that I know what this is, and that it should be sorted eventually. Still going to cause some discomfort though.

    Many thanks to the people who have posted, greatly appreciated.

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    Re: Lower Abdominal problems, from weight lifting

    I am sorry I don't think these problems are 'real'

    please see:
    PBS - Scientific American Frontiers | A Different Way to Heal | Alternative Attraction

    and I will reply to your posts once read.

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