
I had an ACL reconstruction 2 years ago. I had done the rehab and was playing my beloved Soccer again, sometimes twice a week for about a year. However, lately it feels that in certain twisting orientaions it feels as if something has moved (there is sometimes a click) and it is followed by pain and swelling. I played football and it happened very badly and it swelled up for about a week.

I took it as a need to slow down so I stopped and everything settled, but sometimes when I am coming down stairs I feel it happen again (to a lesser extent). Something about the orientation of my knee when coming down the stairs. I t only happen then!! I am now worried about playing again as if this was to happen when I am twisting my knee at full pace, I could have a repeat of the the major swelling.

I don't feel it could be as bad as another ACL rupture as I would have been in alot more pain, but could my knee be a little more lose?

what can I dop short of another operation to tighten eveything up again as I would be mortified if this was the end! Maybe a knee bace?

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