yes, you are reading what my patient complaining exactly.
yesterday a pt. came to my dept c/o as above.
He had his Lt. Rotator Cuff repaired 2/12 ago.
this gentleman was active in sports , particularly tennis until he had his RC repair.
he attended rehab since ops, stopped coming for 1/12 d/t away for work.
Pain inferior to Lt. scapula spine didn't seem to resolve.
loud crepts noted on initiation of all shd movement, especially IR and ER.
gradually unheard as more repetitions performed.
on observation, Scapulohumeral rhythm had been restored as compared to previous.
Lt rhomboids and Serratus anterior activation is good.
All movement AFROM, no ERP.
pt c/o Lt shd occacionally(unpredictably) stucked when attemp to lift up in abduction. when attempted abduction in supine, the Lt. shd stucked badly.
pain increased +++.
palpation reveals that his infraspinatus had fibroused.
Lt. RC tendon hardening.
there are many points that i dont understand.
is the 'stuck' d/t the fibrousis of his infraspinatus muscle and hardened RC
that lead to congestion of his GH joint space,
hence as the movement initiated, friction occured and loud crepitus produced??
therefore, translation of humeral head is not smooth d/t strutural dysfunction? or is it coupling force imbalance?
but, how does all these linked to the 'stucking' of his left shoulder?
please guide me. thanks a lot.
* his shoulder pain had been thr for about 6 yrs.
* constantly keep up with exercises daily.
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