Hy, could someone give me an indication on australian wages : working in priv.pract. ; (low & highly excperienced)??? And might there be any dutch people working in Oz, I'd very much like to know more about physio..in..Oz ...........thanks Marcel
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There is a huge range of wages being paid in private practices throughout Australia. If you are being paid an hourly rate (usually with no sick or holiday pay), the range is about $22-$35 per hour. If you are being paid by commission, the range is about 30-50% (but other factors such as superannuation must be considered.... is it included in that commission, or is it being paid on top of that?) This is just from my experience..... I'm sure other people would've had different experiences. By the way, if you want to contact a dutch physio working in Oz, you may want to try emailing [email protected].