Hi Caroline,
How did you get on with your exams? Did you manage to find any past papers for prep.
I am a Paediatric physio trying to figure out whether or not I would pass the exams!
Hi, I trained as a physio in the UK and am sitting the australian physiotherapy council exams in March 2011. Just wondering if there was any way I can get my hands on some past papers?
Similar Threads:
Hi Caroline,
How did you get on with your exams? Did you manage to find any past papers for prep.
I am a Paediatric physio trying to figure out whether or not I would pass the exams!
Hi, I am just wondering how you went with the written exam? I am taking mine in March 2012, so any advice much appreciated!
Hi Guys,
I took the written exam in March this year, and passed it no problems. I graduated in 2009 and have not worked since then...due to travelling and moving to Aus. So I think if you have been working you should be fine, the exam is based at a new graduate level, although some of the questions can be a bit strange. I did around a months worth of head in books revision before the exam and that was fine. Have either of you heard of the AAPTA? Its a group for physios trained abroad trying to get registration in Aus. There is lots of info about past papers and things on that group. If you google AAPTA, their site will come up and you can fill out the application form to join. If you have any problems with joining AAPTA let me know and i can pass on one of the guys numbers for you to give him a call.
Hi Caroline
i am an am Indian Phyiotherapist and I arraived in Australia recently on student visa I am in Melbourne. I got admission in exercise & sports science but that is a Bachelor course but they gave me 1 year credit but really don't wanted to go ahead.because its a very expensive course and I want to give licence exam to get registered but just after my final year I got married so didn't got a chance to focus more in studies but I am keen to come back with it please help me what is the better way to start and reach the goal someone told me OET is better exam than IELTS please please help me ASAP my email address is nagarmalini@gmail.com please
i'll wait for you revert.
Anshul S (31-07-2013)
I am trying to open AAPTA but its saying that its under construction please reply that what should I have to do to join iin reply me ASAP pplease thank in advance
Hello Dear
I am also Indian Physio, having 5 years plus experience and my PR for Aus is due in next 2 months (Spouse PR)
Please update me too,about the registration process with Aus Board of Physios. I will be there in MEL in OCT this year.
You can update me, my email is anshulsood_dr@hotmail.com
Thanks a Million for this Post
just email to aapta06@yahoo.com.au saying that you want to join, they will send you a membership form.
Hello guys,
I'm glad to see someone is with me, I think we should make a study group.
Let me know if you think so, harshbparekh007@yahoo.com.
For AAPTA, try aapta.yolasite.com, you will get a link to application form and then mail them.
I just did, hope to see you there.
Hi Caroline,
i know now you wrote this a few years ago but I'm in the same situation now that you were and wondered if you could give me some advice? I qualified last December and have been working in the NhS since, previous in medical resp and now in T&O. I'm struggling to know what to focus my studying on for the exam as they could really ask anything? Are the questions relatively basic in the written exam or can they be more complex (e.g asking for origins and insertions of particular muscles). I've also had very little experience in paediatrics which they have questions on- any recommendations on what to study? I'd be so so so so grateful for any help or advice at all as I can't seem to find any past papers at all!
hope everything is going well for you in Aus!!!
Hi, My friend recommend that 3 books:
Physiotherapy for respiratory and cardiac problems ( Pryor,Prasad)
neurological rehabilitation (Shepard)
clinical sports medicine (Brukner , Khan)
i have a few email papers from previous years.. The question are definitely not basic..at least not for me) I can send you the whole folder with question ) just give me your email.
Hi Monika!
First of all thank you for recommending those books!
My partner is doing the APC exam in September, you've mentioned that you have some past exam papers. Any chance that you would be able to share them?
Hi Monika
Would you be kind enough to share this material with me please ? My email is devenidas@yahoo.co.uk. Many thanks in advance cheers
Did anyone manage to get some study material? If you did would you be able to forward it to me? C.richter89@googlemail.com
Me too. Have been searching a lot but not successful till now.
Monika84 please check ur inbox.
if anyone could send some recent papers.
Hello Monica,
I'd like to move to Australia and work as a physio. Good to know that there are already some polish people. Could you send me all materials please ? (matpuslecki@gmail.com) I'll be very thankful. Was the whole registrating process very difficult ?
Hi Monika,
If you still have the study material can you kindly send me too? Thank you very much in advance!
My email is frisian.oon@gmail.com.
Hi Monika,
Are you still willing to share these past papers? I am due to sit the written exam this December. My email address is deedavis@hotmail.com. Thanks
Hi Monika!! How are you ? I was wondering if your still willing to share some of the preparation material. Im sitting the theory exam march 2016 and I really need an idea of what to expect ... Thanks !!
Hi there Monika, I will sit for the written exams for physio in June 2016, if by any chance you read this or anyone here who has a kind heart and would like to share their past papers for the APC exam, I would really appreciate and be grateful for your help. Please email me at danaphysio@yahoo.com.
Thanks a lot.
Hello Physio Colleagues,
I believe you can help me out with regards to the APC (Australian Physiotherapy Council) Exam. I will be taking it on June 2016. To those who took the exam already, can you please share any knowledge, past exams or references you used for the exam. That would be extremely helpful! To those about to take the exam as well, how about forming a study group online?
PM me OR
Email: khat888@yahoo.com
Hi Monika, My name is Swarnima, I did my physio course from India and now since last 2 years I am in Australia. This year I have planned to give physio exam. so I will be thankful if you can send me some model question. My email is swarnimashrestha@yahoo.com.
thank you
- - - Updated - - -
Hi Monika, My name is Swarnima, I did my physio course from India and now since last 2 years I am in Australia. This year I have planned to give physio exam. so I will be thankful if you can send me some model question. My email is swarnimashrestha@yahoo.com.
thank you
hi everyone, my name is aakash.i am physiotherapist from india..i live in melbourne. i want to know which way easier to become registrated physiotheraphy in australia..by giving apc exam or study again for degree in melbourne..i heard dat apc clinical exam is hard to pass..i am permenant resident in australia..
plz guide me..
Hi. I will be taking the APC exam on June 2016.
I am looking currently for a study buddy. This can benefit both of us as we can keep each other accountable and share different strategies of preparing for the exam.
Email me if interested and we can discuss how we can do it.
- - - Updated - - -
Hi. I will be taking the APC exam on June 2016. I am still having little luck with regards to AAPTA approvibg my membership request so that I can view thr past exams.
I am looking currently for a study buddy. This can benefit both of us as we can keep each other accountable and share different strategies of preparing for the exam.
Email me if interested and we can discuss how we can do it.