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  1. #1
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    Wanting to hear from physios working in Perth particularly UK/Irish


    I've just recently obtained AHPRA reg and a 176 visa and am wanting to move out to Perth when I find a suitable position in a private clinic doing MSK or hospital. I've done community work too and see there are community jobs on the WA government jobs board. I'm planning to come out for 2 weeks from mid April and really want the chance to talk with potential employers.

    I've contacted 2 agencies thinking they would find positions in Perth itself but they seem to come back offering jobs outside with commutes such as Mandurah.

    I'm UK trained and am currently working full time in Dublin so would love to hear from overseas physios who have moved to Perth such as:

    1) How did you find work there? Did you go through an agency or contact the clinic/hospital direct?
    2) How easy is it to find work there? Did you chance it and go out first without anything, then find work after a month or so?
    3) Also some advice on getting insurance - who to go with?. Can you practice acupuncture having done the 80 hour AACP course?

    I'm getting the impression that there are lots of physios in Perth itself so the companies don't need to employ agents to find work for them.

    Any help would be much appreciated


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  2. #2
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    Re: Wanting to hear from physios working in Perth particularly UK/Irish

    Hi Chris
    My name is Sue and I am an Australian Manipulative Physiotherapist - I live and work in Perth, WA. I am a teamleader of 7 physios who work in aged care facilities.
    We are currently have a vacancy and I am looking to employ a full time physio in Perth. Our work is a variety of musculo-skeletal, pain management, assessments, reviews and manual handling training for staff. Their is little focus on neurological rehabilitation.

    In answer to your questions above....

    1) How did you find work there? Did you go through an agency or contact the clinic/hospital direct?
    You can do either method to find work - contacting agencies or employers direct.

    2) How easy is it to find work there? Did you chance it and go out first without anything, then find work after a month or so?
    It depends where you want to work and how fussy you are to get something which is exactly want you want. If you are willing to take anything, then you could always find work somewhere. Hospital jobs come up from time to time but are not usually available immediately.

    3) Also some advice on getting insurance - who to go with?. Can you practice acupuncture having done the 80 hour AACP course?
    Liability insurance can be obtained through Guild Insurance or "physiosure" www.physiosure.com
    I can't answer your query re acupuncture.

    Please contact me if you have any further questions or are interested in finding employment - I can help you out in that regard!

    Warm Regards


    Quote Originally Posted by chrisphysio View Post

    I've just recently obtained AHPRA reg and a 176 visa and am wanting to move out to Perth when I find a suitable position in a private clinic doing MSK or hospital. I've done community work too and see there are community jobs on the WA government jobs board. I'm planning to come out for 2 weeks from mid April and really want the chance to talk with potential employers.

    I've contacted 2 agencies thinking they would find positions in Perth itself but they seem to come back offering jobs outside with commutes such as Mandurah.

    I'm UK trained and am currently working full time in Dublin so would love to hear from overseas physios who have moved to Perth such as:

    1) How did you find work there? Did you go through an agency or contact the clinic/hospital direct?
    2) How easy is it to find work there? Did you chance it and go out first without anything, then find work after a month or so?
    3) Also some advice on getting insurance - who to go with?. Can you practice acupuncture having done the 80 hour AACP course?

    I'm getting the impression that there are lots of physios in Perth itself so the companies don't need to employ agents to find work for them.

    Any help would be much appreciated


    ---------- Post added at 02:03 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:00 PM ----------

    Hi Chris
    I thought I'd mention that we also have locum positions if you are interested in short term employment.

  3. #3
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    Re: Wanting to hear from physios working in Perth particularly UK/Irish

    Hi Sue,

    many thanks for writing back and providing me with all the information - it's extremely helpful. It's also exciting to think that there may be a potential job opportunity as well, particularly as I have been working in those areas you mention for the past 5 years. I'd love to send my CV over for you to have a look if you have time (not sure if I can do it on this forum). My email address is [email protected] so if you could contact me here then I can send across my CV.

    I'll be traveling to Perth between saturday 14th April to Friday 27th April inclusive.

    best regards


    Quote Originally Posted by SueWhittome View Post
    Hi Chris
    My name is Sue and I am an Australian Manipulative Physiotherapist - I live and work in Perth, WA. I am a teamleader of 7 physios who work in aged care facilities.
    We are currently have a vacancy and I am looking to employ a full time physio in Perth. Our work is a variety of musculo-skeletal, pain management, assessments, reviews and manual handling training for staff. Their is little focus on neurological rehabilitation.

    In answer to your questions above....

    1) How did you find work there? Did you go through an agency or contact the clinic/hospital direct?
    You can do either method to find work - contacting agencies or employers direct.

    2) How easy is it to find work there? Did you chance it and go out first without anything, then find work after a month or so?
    It depends where you want to work and how fussy you are to get something which is exactly want you want. If you are willing to take anything, then you could always find work somewhere. Hospital jobs come up from time to time but are not usually available immediately.

    3) Also some advice on getting insurance - who to go with?. Can you practice acupuncture having done the 80 hour AACP course?
    Liability insurance can be obtained through Guild Insurance or "physiosure" www.physiosure.com
    I can't answer your query re acupuncture.

    Please contact me if you have any further questions or are interested in finding employment - I can help you out in that regard!

    Warm Regards


    ---------- Post added at 02:03 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:00 PM ----------

    Hi Chris
    I thought I'd mention that we also have locum positions if you are interested in short term employment.

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