Just saw your thread, did you manage to get any answers ref this? I am taking my exam in march and if you did manage to find out any particular study hints/revision guides, it would be appreciated.
Hi am an experienced community based uk physiotherapist who qualified in 1999 and have worked continuously in the NHS since. My partner who is not a physio has got a job in Australia and has recently left to work in QLD. I have applied to do my written exam in Sept 12 and desperately need to pass first time for the sake of my relationship!!
Has anyone recently taken the exam or got any past papers.
I know i will need to swot up on a few things that i have not covered since qualifying / basic grade rotations and no longer utilise in my later career eg paediatrics, obs and gynae, acute respiratory in patients. Any help advise gratefully received.
many thanks
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Just saw your thread, did you manage to get any answers ref this? I am taking my exam in march and if you did manage to find out any particular study hints/revision guides, it would be appreciated.
Hi Jo,
I just saw your post. I am sitting my exam in march as well. Did you find some more information?
Cheers Katja
Hi Katja and Jo,
I too am sitting the written exam in March 2013 in the UK. I only graduated this summer and have been working in a private MSK outpatients since.
I haven't found much help apart from the APC website which is minimal. Have either of you joined the AAPTA? There are some past papers there which are a bit of help...
I live in Leeds so I don't know if you guys would be up for meeting up or setting up some study sessions as I really really don't want to fail this exam!
Hi Jo and Siobhan,
No have not found out anything. I might go to the Physio Briding Course in February in Melbourne. I guess that is probably the best preparation.
I will also update on Neuro and Respiratory as this will be my weakness too.
Hi siobhan,
i am now entered for the march exam but the only past questionnaires that I have been able to find was 10 questions on the council website once I logged in. How did you find the AAPTA site as it says its under construction, did you find other stuff there. I live in Wiltshire but would be interested in meeting up as I need to pass first time as tight deadlines as I start my job in October 13! I might look at the bridging course but a long way to go and it would mean 3 weeks there as its over 3 weekends. I have worked privately in mask for a longtime but need to concentrate on the neuro and resp components as well.jo
Hi Katja,
i did think about doing the bridging course but with I being spread over 3 weekends it would mean 3 weeks in oz with the family and the cost that it involves so I have decided to give it a miss. I am going to write a revision list this weekend to ensure that I cover what I should, have you done any prep yet?
Hi everyone,
Just joining this conversation. I'm planning to take write the exam in March as well. I will be signing up for the bridging course- I'm not really sure how else to prepare!!
Hi I have just aught up with your posts. I am too taking the exam in March. Can anyone give me any more info on the bridging course in feb??
many thanks!!!
Hi there,
The bridging course is $1,500 which only covers the course itself, not accomodation or flights etc. It looks really well organised but I wouldn't rely fully on the course for preparation. I'm taking the written exam in the UK and can't afford to go over for the Bridging Course. I've been told to go through all the resources on the APC website that are recomended (which is a lot!) as this is where most of the exam questions come from. It is also recomended to go throught the APA website to get an idea of the role of a Physiotherapist in Australia.
Hope this helps!
Thanks for the info! I am already in oz, waiting for my limited reg as I have a job waiting! I will have a look at resources first I think as flights and accomodation over 3weekends it's pretty pricey. If I find out anything useful I will let you know
Update for everyone... The bridging course may be cancelled as not enough people have registered. The decision will be made this Friday. Cheers !
How did everyone get on with the Sept 2012 exams? I'm just starting the application process and need some advice about te written exams.
Heyy i have the same question, how did you all get on with the written exams? passed it?
Im starting to get organised now
Yes, written exams passed in march, preparing for the practicals now. There is a facebook page for studying, study group APC exam which gives useful tips.
Hi happy for you pasing your test.I will have it on March 2014. could you please help me find some hints and preparation materials.
Hi there.
I know it's a few years ago you took your exam but I am taking it in March next year. Can you give me any help and direction as to the written exam please?
Much appreciated.
Hello Angela,pls have you gotten hold of any materials for the APC exam. Could you pls share with me? Even a web address to source for materials. Thanks. My email finestlrd@yahoo.com
Hi there,
No I haven't as of yet.... Very difficult to find. AsI have just done.....Your best bet is to apply to join www.aapta.yolsaite.com or aapta06@yahoo.com.au
Check that out and it will explain it all.
Please do let me know if you find anything useful.
Hi there Angela, have you got some past papers from your exam and other people's? Can you please share them with me? You can email them at yngsmthcutie4u@yahoo.com. Thanks a lot.
- - - Updated - - -
Does anyone here still have their past papers with correct answers from their APC exam? Do you mind sharing them with me? Please email them to yngsmthcutie4u@yahoo.com. Thanks a lot.
Hi All
Please could someone share with me the written exams past papers. Also what study material I should be referring to for the written test ? I graduated a long time ago My email is devenidas@yahoo.co.uk Many thanks in advance for your help. Cheers