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    UK Paediatric Physio moving to Perth


    I am a UK-trained physio with 7 years post-grad experience. I have worked in Paediatrics for 5 years, mainly specialising in Inpatients, Cystic fibrosis, and baby musculoskeletal conditions. I currently work in the UK, but am exploring the possibility of moving to Perth soon, for a few years.

    I am starting to plough through the Aus registration information... It looks incredibly difficult and seems like it would be harder for a specialist physio to achieve registration than a recently qualified physio, due to the 3 clinical assessment exams (cardioresp, musculoskeletal and neurology). Does anyone know if the exams account for areas of special interest and have any paediatric physios taken these exams recently?

    Does anyone know about the opportunities for Paediatric physios in Perth and the availability of jobs in hospitals in Perth?

    I would love to hear from any physios who currently work in Perth, especially any Paediatric physios from the UK.

    Many thanks for any info, Alicia.

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    Re: UK Paediatric Physio moving to Perth

    Hello Alicia,

    I have just joined this forum wanting to ask the same question. I already live in Perth and am a UK qualified physio with 12 years postgrad experience, the last 8 of those in paediatrics (neuro mainly). I have looked into the registration process and been in contact with the Australian Physiotherapy Council. It really does seem like the only way to work here would be to do the 3 step exam which as a specialized therapist seems crazy - I graduated in 1994 and have no interest in working in any other specialism.

    The only option for me seems to be the accelerated Physiotherapy degree course at Curtin University which will cost a lot of money and take 2 years. I can't imagine passing the written or clinical exams without further study as it is so long since I treated a patient in ITU or outpatients!! I have heard of several much more recent graduates failing the exam which costs over a thousand dollars. I really don't know what to do - I miss working and we may stay here permanently.

    I will let you know if I find out anything new. I think the job opportunities are there as I contacted a couple of superintendents locally who would love to employ me! All the best with your plans.


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    Re: UK Paediatric Physio moving to Perth

    Hi Vikki,

    Thanks so much for your response. I think you have just confirmed my fears... that there is no way around these exams! It does seem so crazy, like you say, for specialists to have to sit exams for areas that they have no interest working in. I'd be happy to do a Paeds specific exam, but would need a lot of revision for the other topics!

    Good luck with your degree course if you do decide to go down that route. Very brave! The only other option I have heard of is people getting NZ registration, which involves a massive portfolio of CPD-type competancies. But this has its own problems with having to obtain evidence of modules from uni etc. Also costly and time consuming. Also, I think the rules may have tightened about having to work in NZ with your registration, before being able to transfer it to Aus registration. But I may be wrong?

    I vaguely know a physio who has moved out to Perth, and he used the NZ reg route a few years ago. Apparently he worked as a physio assistant for a year, while completing and awaiting his registration. He was paid more than he was paid here as a qualified physio! It is something I may consider if I'm only out there for a year or two. But it seems a shame to work as an assistant, I think I'll be incredibly frustrated!

    Anyway. I'm coming out to Perth for a holiday in Oct, so may try to enquire at some hospitals while I'm there. Good luck with whatever you decide to do.


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    Re: UK Paediatric Physio moving to Perth

    Hi Vikki and Alicia,

    It looks like there are so many of us in the the same boat. I too am a experienced physiotherapist (musculoskeletal) physiotherapist who qualified in SA and then lived in the UK for 10 years before immigrating to Perth in August 2012. I too have been considering my options of APC, BSc abbreviated or career change...so difficult. I would love to try and chat with either of you if you are in Perth.

    Many thanks

    Quote Originally Posted by VForster View Post
    Hello Alicia,

    I have just joined this forum wanting to ask the same question. I already live in Perth and am a UK qualified physio with 12 years postgrad experience, the last 8 of those in paediatrics (neuro mainly). I have looked into the registration process and been in contact with the Australian Physiotherapy Council. It really does seem like the only way to work here would be to do the 3 step exam which as a specialized therapist seems crazy - I graduated in 1994 and have no interest in working in any other specialism.

    The only option for me seems to be the accelerated Physiotherapy degree course at Curtin University which will cost a lot of money and take 2 years. I can't imagine passing the written or clinical exams without further study as it is so long since I treated a patient in ITU or outpatients!! I have heard of several much more recent graduates failing the exam which costs over a thousand dollars. I really don't know what to do - I miss working and we may stay here permanently.

    I will let you know if I find out anything new. I think the job opportunities are there as I contacted a couple of superintendents locally who would love to employ me! All the best with your plans.


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