Hi Vikki,

Thanks so much for your response. I think you have just confirmed my fears... that there is no way around these exams! It does seem so crazy, like you say, for specialists to have to sit exams for areas that they have no interest working in. I'd be happy to do a Paeds specific exam, but would need a lot of revision for the other topics!

Good luck with your degree course if you do decide to go down that route. Very brave! The only other option I have heard of is people getting NZ registration, which involves a massive portfolio of CPD-type competancies. But this has its own problems with having to obtain evidence of modules from uni etc. Also costly and time consuming. Also, I think the rules may have tightened about having to work in NZ with your registration, before being able to transfer it to Aus registration. But I may be wrong?

I vaguely know a physio who has moved out to Perth, and he used the NZ reg route a few years ago. Apparently he worked as a physio assistant for a year, while completing and awaiting his registration. He was paid more than he was paid here as a qualified physio! It is something I may consider if I'm only out there for a year or two. But it seems a shame to work as an assistant, I think I'll be incredibly frustrated!

Anyway. I'm coming out to Perth for a holiday in Oct, so may try to enquire at some hospitals while I'm there. Good luck with whatever you decide to do.
