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    Working with Limited Registration in Australia

    Advertise your physiotherapy job on Physiobob's Job
    Hi there,
    I am looking into registering as a Physiotherapist in Australia from the UK-(i have only just graduated). I have been looking into Limited registration and I was wondering what type of work is possible as a Physiotherapist with Limited Registration in Australia and how does the supervision work? Anyone with any advice or help would be greatly appreciated!

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    cformby Array
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    Re: Working with Limited Registration in Australia

    Advertise your physiotherapy job on Physiobob's Job
    I lived in melbourne for a while working as a physio. Everyone I met there said it would be virtually impossible to get work with limited registrtaion unless you'd be willing to work in the Outback or a Nursing Home. There are so many physios already around there that are registered that employers just don't need to consider people with limited registration (there's also a rumour going round the hospitals that the scheme is about the be scrapped).

    If you want to work in Aus consider either the NZ route or sitting the exams. For either of these you need to have worked for at least a year in the UK and have covered your core rotations. I went the NZ route and had been qualified for 4 and a half years and had my application returned to me as it needed more info. It's not the easiest registration to get but definitley worth the effort.

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