jennyt (15-02-2013)
Hi everyone,
I am a UK trained physio who graduated in 2006, I have since specialised in respiratory. I have just started the process of applying for my Australian registration. I have read the current threads on here and they all seem to be from a few years ago. Are there any current groups or advice forums where I could get some advice or past exam papers, I'm hoping to sit the written exam in London in Sept 2013. The AAPTA website that a few people have mentioned is no longer active it seems.
I would be grateful for any advice.
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jennyt (15-02-2013)
Hi Gemma. I am also trying to find out this kind of information. My husband has been offered a job in Melbourne (he isn't a physio) so I will be going through the registration process if we decide to go which is looking quite likely. Such a shame the AAPTA seems to have disappeared as that group would have been ideal. I have tried to use their contact page which seems to be the only page with anything on but not sure anything went. Their email address is no longer active. I have been emailing any contacts I find but have not received anything back as yet which is very disheartening. I did try the email addresses the CSP have in their "working in Australia" document of people who work in Oz who are willing to be contacted but have not heard anything back. Perhaps we could let each other know if we find out anything and provide each other with some support?
Hi Jenny, thanks for reply. I have also tried to contact AAPTA with numerous addresses but all bounced back. I posted a thread on iCSP the other day and got a lovely reply from someone with some useful links, you should check it out. Would be good to share any info we come across. I'm just waiting for uni exam transcript to arrive before I send initial assessment form. Then revision shall start! What area do you work in? I'm also hoping to live in Melbourne. Good Luck!
Hi Gemma. I have managed to make contact with the AAPTA. Their website is I work in Cardiac Rehabilitation and have done for 13 years!! Really daunting as those core areas they assess you on are well in my past. Still I am trying to see it all as a new challenge and a big adventure what with a new country too! I haven't started the registration process at all yet, so I probably won't apply to join the AAPTA till our move is confirmed. We have been gathering the info together first to decide whether to go. If we do though things will move quick, I will have to get info together quickly to make that initial application then do the rest after moving over there. Let me know how you get on.Jenny
Fantastic! I shall join once a get my initial assessment accepted. Good detective work!
I have just joined this site. I'm a Canadian trained physio (graduated in 2000). I have worked across Canada and in the US. We recently moved to Sydney and now I am starting to get ready to study for the 2014 March written exam. Can you direct me to any study guides, links to old papers, etc? I'm quite nervous as I wasn't able to bring all my old books, etc with me and I've worked primarily outpatient orthopaedics for the last 13 years.
Any guidance you can provide would really be appreciated.
Thanks - Jill
Hello,I'm a South African qualified physio living in Cape Town with my Australian husband. I'm trying to look into what would be required for me to register to work in Aus. should we relocate in the near future. Did any of you manage to find any guidance, study resources, exam info, etc... I work predominantly as a manual therapist with a special interest in pain management and rehabilitation... haven't touched "proper" chest physio, neuro, paed, etc for a good many years. Is it even worth keeping my university notes for these subjects? Or were you able to find what you needed online, etc. Sorry for the vague questions, any guidance would be appreciated! Regards, Sally
Hi guys,
We run an APC Clinical Exams preparation course for overseas Physiotherapists gaining their professional entry registration (Australia).
This course has been designed for overseas physiotherapists who have successfully completed the APC theory examination. Our aim is to prepare you for the APC clinical assessments. By sharing our experiences, we will demystify the process and help you to gain the most from your study sessions, enabling you to demonstrate your true clinical skills on the day. The course is broken down into 4 easy to digest sections;
- How to Workshop
- Musculoskeletal
- Neuro
- Cardio Respiratory
For more information visit the below link or email We are happy to help with any questions you might have.
APC Clinical Exam Preparation for Physiotherapists