Dont bother with the agents, they will tell you the same thing- I looked into this for a presentation when I was a student, if you want more than 3 months work you need 12 months post-grad experience. Some states inlcuding NSW want 12 months experience even for thier temporary 3 month permits, so you can rule out NSW!
And a MSc won't help you either as that doesn't count, they want post qualification actual work experience. It can be voluntary though so if you struggle to get a paid job voluntary work will do.
Fresh Perth grads don't have this problem- because they trained in Australia they can work there straight away without needing any post grad experience.
Your only option is to check the APA site and look at each physio board's website, some of the states (3 or 4 I think) will take you without experience but only for 3 months in each job, and you'll need someone in Aus to supervise you full time (which is not easy) and say that you are preparing to take the exams. Also bear in mind that these temporary jobs are often in unpopular rural places....
I really wouldn't worry too much though, I was in major panic mode myself 6 months ago about getting a job when I finished but I got a permanent job in the Uk as soon as I graduated, and out of 19 in my class 16 have jobs (within 4 months of graduating), most permanent

The situation is really not as terrible as you think