Classes starting soon! Please call after 11 am to register. 647-824-4481.
Hi , i am looking for a study partner for written pce exam. This will be my second attempt. I am giving in may 2014. I live in brampton. Lets get in touch and study. Mail me at
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Classes starting soon! Please call after 11 am to register. 647-824-4481.
Hi .......M interested in studying in group........I live in brampton.......N preparing for the written component ........
Classes starting soon! Please call after 11 am to register. 647-824-4481
Hi I am from Vancouver, planning for September 2014... Written exam... Any new references for books ?
Yes I had a look but they have 35 reference list. In standard four book, we get knowledge of conditions and intervention but some specific questions are the main issue. Asthe questions are sinereo based, I asked couple of physios from Canada and they advised me to study Cases including different systems interventions... Such as requirement of respiratory intervention while dealing with ortho case considering history and previous complication regarding respiratory system. Canada has unique approach and policies in place when it comes to multidisciplinary approaches and interventions. We can get ideas from standard book but we need practice in thinking according to protocols as time is the main issue in the exam.
Hi we have in class and skype classes for out of town applicants too.
Call me at 647-824-4481.
I am also planning to take my exm in sept can we coordinate?
Thank you
Hi there, I live in northyork, toronto and looking for study partner for dec 2014 written PCE...Please contact
Please email me at your earliest at