
The College of Physiotherapists of Ontario is revising two of its current Standards - Physiotherapists Working with Assistants and Performing Controlled Acts and Other Restricted Activities- and we are asking for your help.

It would be most appreciated if you, or someone within your organization, could take 15 minutes to review and comment. The deadline is May 31, 2016.

The process is quick and easy.

1. Click on this link or visit our website - www.collegept.org - and go to the Consultation section.

2. Read the proposed new Standard (and read the current Standard if you'd like to compare).

3. Answer 7 quick questions.

4. If you choose, you can provide more detailed comments on each of the sections online.

All feedback is greatly appreciated!

It is essential that we hear from the public, our stakeholders, patients and physiotherapists. We hope the proposed new Standards will come into effect this summer and any changes or additions impact the care of Ontarians.

If you have any further questions about the consultation process or the Standards, please contact Rod Hamilton, Associate Registrar - Policy, at [email protected] or 1-800-583-5885 ext. 232.

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