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    Newly qualified physio looking to go to New Zealand

    Advertise your physiotherapy job on Physiobob's Job
    Hi there,
    I am a newly qualified Physiotherapist in the UK (graduated June 2012). I am looking into moving to live in New Zealand and my options for getting registration in New Zealand as a Physiotherapist. Has anyone done this before as a new graduate? I'm aware as I have a 3 year BSc in Physiotherapy from the UK i need a years experience post grad...does anyone know if i can apply before i've finished this years experience (as i've only just started!) Also does anyone know if the 1st years experience needs to cover CVR, Neuro and MSK equaly-surely there arn't many jobs that can actually cover this accept rotations?
    Anyway I would really appreciate any help or advice from someone in-the-know!

    Many thanks

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    Re: Newly qualified physio looking to go to New Zealand

    I can answer your second question.
    Have you downloaded the application guidance document?
    The Physiotherapy Board of New Zealand > Registration - Overseas Qualified Physiotherapists

    It says quite clearly:

    3. Primary physiotherapy qualification from a three year full time undergraduate degree
    Persons who have gained their primary physiotherapy qualification overseas who have a physiotherapy qualification from a three year full time undergraduate degree programme will require:
    • A minimum of one year full-time post-qualification physiotherapy practice experience as a fully registered (i.e. with unconditional registration) physiotherapist, not in sole practice, in their country/countries of practice,
    This experience must be gained in a professionally supported environment provided by an experienced physiotherapist and include:
    • Observed practice and guidance for professional development and
    Physiotherapy practice experience in the core bases of physiotherapy that were not covered during the prequalification clinical/physiotherapy practice placements

    Or ....

    So, it depends on your clinical placements.
    Good luck,

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    Re: Newly qualified physio looking to go to New Zealand

    Advertise your physiotherapy job on Physiobob's Job

    I'm applying for my NZ reg at the mo so may be of some help.

    You do definately need a minimum of 1 years experience when you apply as they will just fail your application straight away. Of course you can begin putting together your portfolio now as by the time you have finished it, its likely you will have completed that first years experience.

    Start with completing the undergraduate sections....get all your documents signed, stamped, verified etc (that takes time in itself). Start collecting IST powerpoints and get them signed by your supervisor. I'm lucky enough to have experience in different areas HOWEVER, if you don't you have to be creative....volunteer for a couple of weeks in the area you're lacking, get a part time job at a sports club. Once you start working you will meet other people and they'll all have suggestions....even just doing CPD courses and reflecting on these will enhance your application hugely particularly if you dont have experience in a certain area. Also physio practices often overlap so use your new B5 experiences creatively....i.e an inpatients rotation may include some respiratory and msk physio, as you may expect some neuro perhaps in an outpatients setting. Even using your job description as evidence and getting colleague references will strenghten your application.

    My biggest tip would be to start collecting evidence now and do your portfolio as you progress through band 5 rotations so that this time next year, once you've got that year in the bag you can send it straight off.

    ALSO read the NZ physio board website....read the application pack and make sure you know exactly what is required of you.

    Hope that helps

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