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    Re: New Zealand Physiotherapy Registration 2020 (Irish Qualified Physio.)

    Hi, I'm a physio from Pakistan and I'm in the final process of compiling my application to send it to the New Zealand physio Board. There's a page on Facebook called "Getting Registered as a Physio in New Zealand", which you'd find very helpful. The person who manages that page, Lisa Rushton, has also written a short book called "Getting Registered as a Physio in New Zealand (A Guide For UK Trained Physios)". I'm not sure if I can post any links here, but you'll find the link to buy it on that Facebook page. I personally found it very helpful, even though it's aimed at UK trained physios.
    From my own experience in filling out the application, it's best to have all your necessary documents e.g., your degree, transcript, etc. at hand first, so you can solely focus on the application forms instead of running after these documents. When completing the forms, I found it very helpful to take out the prints of the forms and fill them in by hand first to get a rough idea of how to proceed. This is particularly useful when completing the Threshold Templates.
    The process is quite tedious so you can break it in parts and try doing a specific part of the application first, e.g. completing the CV template first before proceeding to the other forms, since you'd already have all the information you need to put in your CV. I also found it helpful to complete the Threshold Template last, since you need to put in information from your curriculum, CV and any courses, workshops, etc. that you've attended.
    You can download the latest application forms pack from the New Zealand physio Board's website. Do read the Guidance Notes and Information Sheets given in the application pack as they have some valuable tips as well as mention the things to avoid.

    As far as I am aware, you can only apply for exemption from providing a complete academic curriculum, and that too if you've qualified more than 15 years prior to submitting your application. For your specific inquiry, you can contact the New Zealand physio Board; they're really very helpful and kind, and will get back to you promptly.

    Hope this helps. Do let me know if there are any more questions I can help with.

    Best of luck for your application!

  2. The Following User Says Thank You to asimjaved For This Useful Post:

    New Zealand Physiotherapy Registration 2020 (Irish Qualified Physio.)

    *Sile* (23-05-2020)

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    Re: New Zealand Physiotherapy Registration 2020 (Irish Qualified Physio.)

    To asimjaved,
    Many thanks for taking the time to send a very detailed reply to my post - some great pointers in there to hopefully guide me in the right direction. I am determined to get through the registration process this time hopefully now after a few failed starts in the past. So any help is honestly very much appreciated. I am a bit of an oldie & actually over 15 years qualified now so I will check that out with the board thanks. And yes I just purchased that e-book 'Getting Registered as a Physio in New Zealand (A Guide For UK Trained Physios)' and yes it looks like a great help also - exactly what I was looking for!
    Good look with the final stages of your registration & hope it all goes well for you. A bit jealous that you are at the other end of the process now but good to know theres light @ the end of the tunnel.
    Thanks again & best wishes,

  4. The Following User Says Thank You to *Sile* For This Useful Post:

    New Zealand Physiotherapy Registration 2020 (Irish Qualified Physio.)

    asimjaved (23-05-2020)

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    Re: New Zealand Physiotherapy Registration 2020 (Irish Qualified Physio.)

    Thank you. The process does seem quite daunting when starting, so I get what you mean about not getting it up and running till now. But once you do start, it won't seem that bad, just gotta keep consistent. Hope you get through it soon!

    Best of luck to you!

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    Re: New Zealand Physiotherapy Registration 2020 (Irish Qualified Physio.)

    Thanks again asimjaved.
    Best wishes,

  7. #5
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    Re: New Zealand Physiotherapy Registration 2020 (Irish Qualified Physio.)

    Quote Originally Posted by asimjaved View Post
    Hi, I'm a physio from Pakistan and I'm in the final process of compiling my application to send it to the New Zealand physio Board. There's a page on Facebook called "Getting Registered as a Physio in New Zealand", which you'd find very helpful. The person who manages that page, Lisa Rushton, has also written a short book called "Getting Registered as a Physio in New Zealand (A Guide For UK Trained Physios)". I'm not sure if I can post any links here, but you'll find the link to buy it on that Facebook page. I personally found it very helpful, even though it's aimed at UK trained physios.
    From my own experience in filling out the application, it's best to have all your necessary documents e.g., your degree, transcript, etc. at hand first, so you can solely focus on the application forms instead of running after these documents. When completing the forms, I found it very helpful to take out the prints of the forms and fill them in by hand first to get a rough idea of how to proceed. This is particularly useful when completing the Threshold Templates.
    The process is quite tedious so you can break it in parts and try doing a specific part of the application first, e.g. completing the CV template first before proceeding to the other forms, since you'd already have all the information you need to put in your CV. I also found it helpful to complete the Threshold Template last, since you need to put in information from your curriculum, CV and any courses, workshops, etc. that you've attended.
    You can download the latest application forms pack from the New Zealand physio Board's website. Do read the Guidance Notes and Information Sheets given in the application pack as they have some valuable tips as well as mention the things to avoid.

    As far as I am aware, you can only apply for exemption from providing a complete academic curriculum, and that too if you've qualified more than 15 years prior to submitting your application. For your specific inquiry, you can contact the New Zealand physio Board; they're really very helpful and kind, and will get back to you promptly.

    Hope this helps. Do let me know if there are any more questions I can help with.

    Best of luck for your application!


    Please helping me in proceeding further.
    Iam struggling with competencies.
    Your help could be a great help.
    My email is soundariyaphysio85@gmail.com


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