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  1. #1

    Registration in New Zealand

    Advertise your physiotherapy job on Physiobob's Job
    Has anyone from the UK registered as physiotherapist in New Zealand with the New Zealand Physiotherapy Board?
    Do you have any advice regarding the proses, especially on proving competance in the 10 Competencies provided.
    Any advice would be helpful, the whole issue seems very complicated!!

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    Re: Registration in New Zealand

    Advertise your physiotherapy job on Physiobob's Job
    Hello Heillid.. (if that's your name..)
    I'm Eline from the Netherlands. As yo can read it takes several months to get registered. The Board wants you to provide them with inofmrtaionon how you meet the compenecies. (www.physioboard.org.nz) You can provide course information, assesment sheets basically shift your whole professional carreer over to NZ. They are bloody unhelpfull and in my eyes plainly rude but the oppertunities here are insanely good.
    I can't help you with any info as they returned my application with a letter saying they need more info/evidence... but what exaclty?
    Anyway, keep going. Call them, bug them and if you don't get any further AUT one of teh universities in Auckland has been a great help to me. Their 4th Year coordinator will be able to give good info on what the board wants.
    Good Luck!

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