I'm just about to go into my 3rd year (out of 4) at QMU studying physiotherapy. I have been looking into the possibility of perhaps going over to New Zealand next summer to work for 2 month as a physio assistant or even a HCA but to be perfectly honest i'm stuck as to where to start going about planning this and if this is even possible???
My 3rd year is spent solely on placement (outpatients, stroke, women's health and respiratory) and this summer I have worked on the Nurse Bank as an Health Care assistant for 3 months in my local hospital, working on all sorts of wards (DME, stroke, orthopaedics - which I absolutely love!, surgical, medical etc so I have seen quite a variety).
So next summer, as I will have my placements behind me and become more competent as a physio (hopefully!) I am hoping that I can go further-a-field and do a summer job that requires more physio related skills (i.e working as a physio assistant).
And well i'm basically wondering how I would start going about this? Can I just get a student summer working visa or would I need to contact the NZ physio board to be able to work as a physio assistant? What is the likelyhood of actually getting a physio-assistant post for 2 month?
Any help is welcomed as i'm quite stuck as to what to do! Thank you in advance
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