Dear Fyzzio,
Thank you very much for your comment. I did lack to send my research project translated. I guess Ill translate my both thesis (under and postgrad studies) and ask my supervisors to sign and send it directly.
Peer reviews and performance appraisal were also lacking in my portfolio. The other documents as course description (professional development) with certificates, university syllabus, etc...were all sent.
They also claimed I was lacking in patient treatment details... I guess I should send them everything I can document' wise.
I will have a lot of work to deadline is 13th May...

..Until now I didnt ask for any help, but I do need now!
It would be very nice if I could have some support of the physio community, especially from those who already got their registration, as Denise for example. I think you were the first Brazilian to get it.
Thanks again, Cris.