This forum topic has been temporarily setup to invite comment from the users of the very useful MAILBase that has been running out of the UK for several years.

The staff at would like to extend an invitation to the MAILbase users for to host both a Forum Topic and a Live Chat room for the MAILbase subscribers to use for any of their more global discussions.

This may assist mailbase in a number of ways. Firstly, it may reduce some of the running costs of mailbase and secondly it may help to take this great exchange of ideas to the rest of the physiotherapy community.

All posted messages can be setup to allow both email and site replies By checking a box to allow email replies you can keep confidential correspondance as such yet still allow information you think may benefit from a global response to be posted on the site. Without checking this box default messages will not permit an email response thus helping to keep your email inbox under control.

Please suggest new forum topics if you feel they would be of value. All information is archived and searchable as in the mailbase. Please respond to this idea either in favour or not. Should the mailbase users not require this FREE service then this forum topic will be removed.

Kind Regards


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