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  1. #1
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    Unhappy HELP! I need to find a placement for a "period of adaptation" required by the HPC!!!

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    I have been looking to work in the UK as a Physiotherapist.
    Having applied to the HPC as I qualified overseas, the assessors have suggested I undergo a ‘period of adaptation’ (POA) of up to 12 weeks in “an acute medical unit for patients requiring routine, intensive and invasive cardio-respiratory assessment and treatment / rehabilitation demonstrating the use of appropriate physiotherapy management (assessment and treatment and clinical reasoning and evidence based practice) methods, when providing the physiotherapy management for patients with cardiopulmonary conditions”.
    This ‘period of adaptation’ requires a HPC-registered physiotherapist to supervise me, until satisfied with my ability to work, in cardio-respiratory rehabilitation. Once satisfied, the supervisor needs only to send a signed statement to the HPC to confirm this. I have been working for over 8 years now and I already have experience in these conditions - so this could mean that the approval is granted sooner rather than later.
    However, after trying going in person to lots of hospitals in London and greater London (where I have been living for the past 7 months, waiting for the HPC to come up with a decision), even offering my services as a Physiotherapist Assistant in separate hours to the ones I will be supervised in order to provide mutual benefit for me and the employer, as advised by the CSP, it has being truly difficult to get someone to accept me in their team. It has been frustrating and I am becoming quite desperate, I miss working and obviously I also need to work to make a living! Can anyone advise me here? Does someone any place I could look for this kind of placement?

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    Re: HELP! I need to find a placement for a "period of adaptation" required by the HPC!!!

    Hello, by the name you sound portuguese, estou na mesma situacao :-( se souberes de algum hospital onde eu tambem me possa candidatar, diz, obrigado, Manuel
    in the same situation, if you hear of something, please help, and i will do the same

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    Re: HELP! I need to find a placement for a "period of adaptation" required by the HPC!!!

    Advertise your physiotherapy job on Physiobob's Job

    Im a spanish physiotherapist in the same situation with the period of adaptation. Has anyone had any luck completing the adaptation period. I have contacted most of the NHS trusts in London and to many private physiotherapy clinics and have had no luck yet. Is there anyone out there who can help?


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