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  1. #1
    sarah b

    Work in New York and E3 visas

    Hi, I am trying to work in New York city with the new E3visa for Australians. I need sponsorship to do this yet am trying to do this without an agent as I cannot stay for the time they require. Can anyone give me any advice on how easy or difficult it is to get sponsorship and the timeframes involved. It looks like I have to fly there to get a sponsor and then wait a few months for legal matters and then fly back to Australia to get my visa issued and then back to start work. It seems that getting am employer to wait that long will be near impossible? Thank you, Sarah

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  2. #2


    Thank you for your advice re: preparation for the exam.

    I gather that the shorter stays are more difficult- but then again you apply for a different visa than the E3 if you are staying longer.

    I am supposing that you have asked the agencies about the shorter stay opportunity from your posting.

    I will let you know if I hear of anything!

    Thanks again for the help!

  3. #3

    1000 hour traineeship

    hey you guys,
    I'm an Irish physio looking into working in Virginia USA. I have been told that aswell as the exam I must do 1000 hours of a working traineeship- ie around 36 weeks of supervised work, which may be paid or unpaid. This despite having done a 4 year degree (incl. 1000 hours experience ) and having 2 years of clinical experience post- grad. Do you guys have to do a similar thing, or is there some way of getting round it that I haven't heard of??
    all info much appreciated,
    good luck ,

  4. #4
    Dear Gribena and others...

    I am currently trying to find a way to "survive" (and still develop my skills as a PT) while working on getting a permit to practice as a PT in the state of California. I have been in touch with numerous clinics in the Bay area as well as the PT Board of California (times many) to discuss the issues you bring up - among others.

    Unfortunately it is pretty much impossible to get around the demand of 36 weeks of supervised work... In my case, even if I have a MSc degree in Physical Therapy from Sweden (four years of full time studies), one year of psychology (University level) and three years of clinical experience as a PT (full time) I am not even allowed to work as a "PT assistant" in California! Crazy...!!

    The reason I wish to move there is because of my fiancee's job (he has to go). But, as "the system" seems, my only way of getting to move with him is under the condition of being an unpaid "house wife" - as there are few other options available/allowed, plus the visa I could get wouldn't allow neither studies nor work... (


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    Re: Work in New York and E3 visas

    For Australian PT E-3 visa sponsorship, please contact:

    Solomon Adewusi
    (International Recruiter)
    Allied Health Group, Inc.
    (800) 741-4674 ext. 2197
    (770) 849-3627

    Solomon Adewusi

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    Re: Work in New York and E3 visas

    Hi, I`m a PT from Brazil and I`m going to apply for licensure in the US and I want to know if anyone has more informations about the NY state requirements, I read on the FCCPT website the inf they have, but I want to know how long does it take to get the license? What is the main difference between NY state and the others processwise?


    Lucas Rabello
    Brazilian Physiotherapist

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    Re: Work in New York and E3 visas

    hi there,

    Anybody know about interfysio recruitment agency in New york. Just want to know how credible it is???????? please let me know.


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    Re: Work in New York and E3 visas

    Advertise your physiotherapy job on Physiobob's Job
    We sponsor Australians for E-3 visa's and will be willing to sponsor you. How far have you gone in the credentialing process. We currently have Physiotherapists that we sponsored from Australia working in New York Michigan. These 2 states appear to be a good stepping stone and entrance to practicing in the US. Have you sat for your American Physical Therapist Association exam?. As long as you can pass the exam and go through the credentialing process, sponsorship is easy. After you become crendentialed and licensed in a State like NY, you will send a proof of your PT license, then I'll send you a labor certification approval letter, contract, and an offer letter. This approval takes only 2 days, then you'll take this to the American Consular office in Australia, and they''ll issue you an E-3 visa. Apart from distance, the whole process should take a maximum of 30-45 days.
    Keep correspondence with me and let me know if you have any question.

    Contact me by e-mail @ adewusis@alliedhealth.com
    website: www.alliedhealth.com

    Solomon Adewusi

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