why cant we have common exam internationally conducted by WCPT
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ur's cyber:cool:
The WCPT is not a registration body. Many national associations with huge staff aren't either. The WCPT is a very, very small organisation (about 5 people most of the time) who are dedicated to representing the interests of the individual physio’s around the globe. More so they assist to develop the physiotherapy movement in smaller countries by getting networking assistance and liaison from the stronger and more established countries. Their small annual budget is gain by fees from the member organisations and this only just pays the bills.
As for the idea of an international exam... A nice thought and one I have discussed myself personally with the WCPT. The issue is basically that there is no global standard of course content. There is however a framework for that content now available (more like an idea minimum standard) but as to how it is presented, taught and quality controlled is fraught with non-uniformity. My suggestion off the cuff was why not ask everyone to teach the University of Sydney 4 year program globally. Then we would have a standard syllabus on which to build the idea of a single global exam. Unfortunately this will forever be a dream and never a reality. For a group who like to help those in physical need we are generally crap at sharing between ourselves. Gross generalization of course
So.. in reality this might be a nice idea in theory but they do not have the skill set, the budget nor the resources’ to perform that type of service. And we as a bunch of global physio associations and group can't provide a standard across the board with which to examine. Also they are based in London so I wouldn't think that everyone would want to pay London fees to fly over and take the exam.