I m french register physio since 1994 in France and temporary register in australia this year.
I like Taiwan and interested to have information about my possibility to work as a physio and study as well things related to physio.
I ll be happy to be in touch with Taiwanese physio.
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fortunatly i m not looking to be a succesfull person somewhere else. i just try to be able to work and do what i can by using what i learn and know in some place i would like to be. And it s nothing to deal with been succesfull somewhere.
It s just loooot of paper work...language problems ( specialy in TW) and education recognation .
dear Cyran,
Have you had a look at the Welcome to the World Confederation for Physical Therapy website | WCPT.org site?
If not, you can link to the Taiwanese PT organisation or obtain more information through the Asia Western Pacific Region of WCPT | WCPT.org group
good luck.